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College of Tropical Horticulture
The College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) was established with the founding of the University of Hawai'i in 1907. CTAHR is a leading academic institution in tropical agriculture, food science and human nutrition, and human resources. Hawai'i's unique geographic location, ecological diversity, and multi-cultural population provide students with a living laboratory. The college is the locus of educational opportunities for students preparing to become tomorrow's scientists, business leaders, family development specialists, fashion designers, nutritionists, and policy makers.
CTAHR Publications
Free CTAHR Publications. Documents are in PDF format. Use Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Horticulture Digest
Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service FLOWER & NURSERY INFORMATION
University of Hawaii at Manoa Botany Navigator
The links connect to Web pages associated with the day-to-day operations of the Botany Department. If you want to find the highlights, please click the "Surfer's Link"
Tropical Fruits
Aloha! Welcome to Hawaii's World Of Tropical Fruit! The research and writing for Tropical Fruit Information have been done by Marilyn Rittenhouse Harris, author of Tropical Fruit Cookbook and Mangos, Mangos, Mangos.